Land Drainage Pump Station in Hubenice

Projects: March - Sept. 2014

Electric works for the task: Construction of Land Drainage Pump Station in Hubenice, Gręboszów District

A value of work and deliveries completed: PLN 1 million (€ 0.24 million)

In the period from March 2014 till Sept. 2014, under the purchase order of SKANSA S.A., Volen S.A. executed full-scope electric and I&C part associated with "Construction of Land Drainage Pump Station in Hubenice, Gręboszów District".

Under that task our company executed:

  • construction of 15kV overhead line
  • construction of 15kV cable line of total length 300m
  • delivery, installation and start-up of a transformer station equipped with 15/0.4kV transformer, 1MVA
  • installation and start-up of 0.4 kV power generator set, 1MVA
  • delivery, installation and start-up of ATS
  • delivery, installation and start-up of the main switchgear and the switchgear for administration purposes
  • delivery, installation and start-up of four frequency converters, 200kW each, manufactured by Danfoss
  • delivery, installation and start-up of an automation cabinet with the visualization system of pump station operation
Volen S.A. - Katowice
Volen S.A. - Katowice